Monday, September 21, 2015

Morning YOGA= Energize and become FOCUSED

Morning Yoga - Quick 10 Minute Wake Up Flow. Yoga to Energize & Become Focused. Wake up with this beautiful, relaxing & energizing Morning Yoga Flow.

 Also, gain Flexibility & relieve many pains that you may be experiencing in the lower body, in this Beginners Yoga tutorial! These Yoga poses are great for any Yoga enthusiast, Yoga beginner, or Advanced who would like a nice jump start to your day! 

Learn How To Safely and Naturally heal pain and work out your lower body in this Follow Along, Instructional Morning Yoga Video. 

Its safe to say that this is a good way to relax to energize yourself and still be fit.

 Garcinia Purely Trim - Fast way to burn fat


Thursday, September 17, 2015



          I have nothing else to say...  enjoy and you are welcome =]

         And if you have additional fat burning desire you know how to make your wishes come true!!!
     *** Garcinia Purely Trim ***

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lack of SLEEP= gaining WEIGHT????

Savvy shoppers know that it’s a bad idea to shop for food when they are hungry. It’s a formula for filling your cart with high calorie foods, and likely spending more money than expected. Shopping while sleep deprived may have the same effect.
That finding comes from an interesting experiment done by a team of Swedish researchers. They asked 14 men to go grocery shopping twice—once on the morning after a good night’s sleep, the other on a morning after a night of no sleep. All were given the equivalent of $50 to spend, and were asked to buy as much as they could out of a possible 40 items, including 20 high-caloric foods and 20 low-caloric foods. To make sure the men weren’t hungry, they were fed a solid breakfast before grocery shopping.

We’ve known for some time that not getting enough sleep is linked to weight gain. It’s possible that shopping may contribute to this phenomenon. Lack of sleep may contribute to weight gain via other possible mechanisms. Too little sleep may
  • slow metabolism
  • prompt cells to store carbohydrates as fat rather than use it for energy or burn it off as heat
  • cause cells to not respond as well as they should to insulin. That increases the level of sugar and insulin in the bloodstream, which can lead to weight gain.
  • lower levels of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, and increase levels of ghrelin (GRELL-in), an appetite-stimulating hormone.
It’s interesting that the researchers chose men rather than women for this experiment. Perhaps in Sweden, where the study was done, men do more of the grocery shopping. In the United States, we certainly need to see if the results will be the same in women.

Putting it into practice

For years, research on weight gain and obesity has focused on genes, foods, diets, and physical activity (or the lack of it). This study from Sweden, along with many others, are showing that ourbehaviors also play important roles in weight maintenance and weight gain. A good example of this work is the research conducted by Cornell University’s Brian Wansink and colleagues on“mindless eating.”
You can put the Swedish study into practice today. Be aware of how your body responds when you don’t get enough sleep. Whenever possible, shop for food only on days when you’ve gotten at least seven hours of sleep—and don’t go to the grocery store hungry. And when you know you are sleep deprived and tired, focus on mindful eating even more than usual.
And when you manage your sleeping ... still wanna slim down .. use GARCINIA PURELY TRIM... THE FASTEST WAY TO WEIGHT LOSS

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

DIET... friend or foe???

No matter which diet you choose, the problem remains the same -- a diet at some point ends.

Studies have shown that most people who are on diets to lose weight, again starting to pile up the pounds over the next few years after the diet. And those who make a change in the form of reducing the intake of carbohydrates or sugars, they do only a certain period of time, which  is the biggest problem. 

Philip Stanford expert and professor of exercise physiology at the University of Texas, said that the key to success is awareness of it to begin to stick to something that will last a lifetime.

After the initial phase of reduced calories and vigorous exercise that  characterize the sudden loss of weight - Stanford advice that you should strive for it to lose one kilo per week, and in a way that exercise will burn a few hundred more calories than you ingest during the day - then, performs during the return of the old regime, but it is quite normal.

"It is true that you eat the same as before, but this time will be significantly healthier food. However, most people are returning to the same kind of food that they ate before, which is a big mistake "
said the professor.

You , most people say they are on a diet , but ii also suggests that a diet during the day will end. And that's not the way you see things. People are often prone to the latest trends not realizing that thanks to adherence to basic principles of nutrition to achieve the greatest effect" concludes Stanford.

 So make a food regiment that will last make a way of life :)
And use 100% natural weight loss supplements like GARCINIA PURELY TRIM... for sure they will help you a lot =]


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Attention !!! This ingredient makes you fatter by the gram !!!

Sugar recently officially became the number one culprit for obesity, but recent research shows that there is another commodity that has an influence on obesity. In fact so many inferences on weight, every gram can make you more fat. Guess what it is?

Regardless of how many calories you consume during the day, if you eat too much salt you can gain weight. British scientist found that each gram of salt that you enter during the day, can increase the risk of obesity by as much as 25% !

Even when we took into account the amount of food that a person enters in the day, the salt still remains the biggest factor when it comes to obesity. The survey of Queen Mary University in London, who conducted by Professor Graham MacGregor found that salt adversely affects the body and change the way the body absorbs fat.

"The results show that the consumption of salt is the biggest factor of obesity, regardless of the amount of calories."

Examined were 450 children and 780 adults. The results which had been reached by following the diet and the urine indicate that one extra gram of salt during the day increases the risk of overweight for more than 20%.

However, convincing the worst foods to witch combine salt, sugar and fat.

"The food that we eat today is major cause of health problems due to salt, sugar and fat we add in the industrial process" said the professor.

But perhaps you do not immediately discard the salt from the kitchen. Some scientists believe that this study can not be credible because respondents applying themselves how much of witch foods are eaten during the day, witch leads to the question how many were honest or accurate.

However, one thong is certain- THE SALT is certainly not BFF with HEALTH... so consume it in smaller quantities.

Additionally to that iff you cut back on the SALT... and try taking the number 1 product for healthy weight loss GARCINIA PURELY TRIM..   You will have great results in no time!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015



                                                       WITHOUT DIET OR EXERCISES  

  • Metabolism BOOSTER
  • Appetite Suppressor 
  •  Extra Body Fat Burner     

 Endorsed by doctors, celebrities, studio hosts and every day people, Garcinia Cambodia has been called the "miracle of weight loss". The tiny pumpkin fruit of Asia has taken our nation by storm since it was first seen on the Dr. Oz show in late 2012.

The main reason that Garcinia cambodia is so effective in healing and weight loss is because it is an excellent source of the isomer Hydroxycitric acid (HCA). 

It has been reported that Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez have all lostr significant amount of body fat with Garcinia Cambogia alone. In fact there are many clinical studies that report it will help to flush out your system and melt away fat without any negative effects.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015


No matter if you do your workout everyday or ones in a while, there is always that moment in the middle of the workout when you wanna stop. It's like you don't have enough strength and the motivation its gone.

Don't worry about that its happening to the best of us. But the important thing is what keeps us moving forward.

Here are some statements from professional coaches and athletes :

" I always say that this discomfort is present and think of all those times when I was an enjoyable exercise . I repeat those thoughts in my mind until i start to feel better, because I know that if I stop I will feel disappointed . I have two choices: to stay the same or be better tomorrow " - Holly Perkins
 "I think the training began at the moment when it becomes difficult. Then starts the only part of the training that is useful " - Mohammed Ali  
 "Sometimes when in the middle of a race or training I feel that I want to stop telling you : Dig . Go further . Fight . Breathe . Do not give out . Eventually rewarded with the sentence : success ! " - Courtney Thomas
"How did you get here,  you are set in life with the sentence that you tell , then ask yourself : Do you want to be the one who gives up ? And then successfully keep on going " - Mike Donavanik
 " It may sound strange but before I start to train I ask myself  if ill keep up or quit. If I decide to keep up I  listen loud metal music and concentrate on every move that I do and think of how it affects my muscles " - Mike Nelson 
 " I always say to myself : I  woke up this early to come at the gym and only stare at the exercise machines . Always somewhere in the world  there is someone who gives his best , lifting weights or running fast , so can I " - Marta     
So don't give up on your workout ... And to make things easier for you to stay in great shape .. START using GARCINIA PURELY TRIM and REVITA CLEANSE ADVANCED !!!  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Detoxify your body with REVITA CLEANSE ADVANCED =]

       A perfect new way to get skinny.. Have you heard about Revita Cleanse Advanced?? It's a  supplement that doesn't require a lot of your time and effort and you can achieve your weight loss goal really easy.

          Cleansing is the one of the trending weight loss products! With this unique technique of losing weight that will boost your metabolism  that will provide you with natural weight loss.

           People really love this types of products because it require no real effort! =]

             If you constantly find yourself waking up feeling tired and bloated chances are that your digestion isn't working as it should. By eating more than you can handle to burn waste will fail to get digestive and begin building up in your colon. 

           Revita Cleanse Advanced  will send your body through detoxification so you can feel healthy and burn fat quicker.

Don't hesitate ...Try it and share your experience =]