Monday, August 17, 2015

Little DIET tips when air traveling :)

Each trip causes stress and anxieties. Especially when our loved ones travel by plane and they are changing time zones. However with a little planning with our diet we for sure cane avoid major inconvenience.

Stress and anxiety often begin a few days before the flight. Where to buy the tickets, what to take with us and yet that not to be all of our wardrobe :) How to arrive at the airport? These ate just some of the problems that need to be solved...

The secret of a good air travel is our diet or nutrition before and during the flight. There is food that you must not consume prior to departure or during flight.

Five worst meals that we can consume before and during air travel:

1. Fast food - similar fast and unhealthy food. Foods that are rich in spices and fat may be tasty. But it's not helping your body to fight stress that occurs before and during our trip.

2. For sure you know this  Beans, Cabbage, onions, garlic  and other foods that cause gas in the stomach and have strong odor and taste. Imagine you stomach combined with pressure reigns in the airline cabine.

3. Alcohol- Avoid alcohol, because in combination with the stress and anxiety, contribute to greater dehydration of the entire organism.


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